28 mayo, 2018

Esperpento, espantajo, mamarracho, grotesco, disparatado, ridículo, horripilante, endémico...

Pinturas de José Gutiérrez-Solana (1886 - 1945)

9 comentarios:

  1. KariusbesaaSergioRamos5/29/2018

    Los kapo-talistas usan su plusvalia para seguir legi-timándose. Le pagan al trabajador lo justo para que sigan en su búrbuja.

    Richard Wolff: The surplus generated by enterprises - the excess of revenue from commodity sales over the direct costs of producing those commodities - is what capitalists receive and control in capitalist economies.

    They then distribute those surpluses as they see fit to reproduce the system in which they occupy such exalted positions.

    Thus, for example, they distribute some of the surplus to top corporate officials (shaping the distribution of income and wealth in capitalist societies), some to moving production abroad if, when and where that might generate larger surpluses (producing unemployment at home and growth abroad), some to donations to politicians and parties to shape and control political decisions to serve their needs, and so on.

    The distribution of the surplus is thus a major shaper of how our society works, how we all live.

  2. Les va la cosa rancia, fijaros en la cara de Susana Díaz ante los de la cabra.


    1. Ay! que penita tan grande... (no creo que esté triste por el sueldo).


  3. (Faltan Franco y Millán Astray enseñando los dientes picados)

    1. ...y obispos y cardenales brazo en alto saludo fascista, y... Esto no es más una muestra "actualizada".

  4. Me apunto al bukake de Gusana Díaz. Ohhhh... si...! yasta.
