27 julio, 2024

Germany is threatening me with prison for this talk on Palestine


The Electronic Intifada

Ali Abunimah  Rights and Accountability  27 July 2024

Authorities in Berlin are threatening me with prison for giving a speech via Zoom to an audience in Germany on that country’s role in Israel’s ongoing holocaust against the Palestinian people in Gaza.

I gave the talk anyway to thousands of people viewing it online, and you can watch it in the video above. It was part of the Palestine Conference in Exile held online on 25-26 July.

About two hours before my scheduled talk on 26 July, I received via a lawyer in Germany a 15-page notice from government authorities in Berlin informing me that I am prohibited from participating in the conference by any means, including online. The penalties include fines and up to one year in prison.

As I spoke from the United States, Germany can claim no jurisdiction over me, but I have been given to understand that German authorities may still open a criminal case against me for violating the order. So be it.

As I stated in the talk, I do not take orders from a regime that is participating in a genocide, and I take inspiration from Martin Luther King Jr., who wrote in his “Letter from a Birmingham Jail” that “one has a moral responsibility to disobey unjust laws.”

I would have made the same decision to speak even if I had been in Germany, and I am conscious that those organizing for Palestinian rights there, especially members of the Palestinian community and their Jewish comrades, have already faced serious repression, including bans, police beatings, home raids, arrests and other repressive measures.

Conference organizers say that the ban “echoes previous oppressive measures” and shows “once again the repressive face of German democracy.”

The organizers add in reference to the action against me: “The persecution of a journalist exposing Germany’s support of genocide mirrors the suppression of dissent and it raises critical questions about whether Germany has fully internalized the lessons of its past or if it is repeating the same mistakes under a different guise.”

In April, German authorities violently raided and shut down a Palestine conference in Berlin, banning speakers including Greek politician Yanis Varoufakis, Dr. Ghassan Abu Sitta, historian Salman Abu Sitta and me.

The only person who managed to speak before that conference was violently shut down was journalist Hebh Jamal. She participated in this conference too.

Ghassan Abu Sitta, the surgeon who treated victims in Gaza during the first month and a half of Israel’s genocide, was detained at the airport as he entered Germany to speak at the April conference, slapped with a ban on political activities, also threatened with fines and prison, and deported to the UK.

In Germany – the country whose leaders cry “Never Again!” – bearing witness to genocide is now a crime.

It was in response to that state violence and censorship that organizers held this conference completely online. Panels with other speakers will be published on the conference website in coming days.

Germany is guilty of genocide

My 20-minute talk covers Germany’s role in the ongoing Israeli genocide in Gaza, and Germany’s historical complicity with Zionism, a racist, fascistic and colonial ideology.

I talk about how Chancellor Olaf Scholz and foreign minister Annalena Baerbock have spread fabricated Israeli atrocity propaganda that justifies and incites genocide, and I called for both German leaders to be brought to justice.

I try to answer the question of why Germany, which purports to be a modern democracy, would arm and support Israel as it exterminates Palestinians in the Gaza Strip.

I explain that, in fact, the German alliance with Zionism predates World War II and has its roots in the anti-Semitic ideas of Protestants in the 19th century. It continued through the Nazi Holocaust and remains intact into the present day.

Indeed, far from being the modern democracy it proclaims itself to be, many of the institutions of West Germany – later reunified Germany – were founded by former members of the Hitler regime.

Former Nazis occupied many senior positions in the government of West Germany.

Kurt Kiesinger, who was West German chancellor in the 1960s, had joined the Nazi party in 1933, the year Hitler came to power. He had, as journalist Beate Klarsfeld explained, been a “high officer of Nazi propaganda” during the war.

Modern Germany’s intelligence service, known by its initials BND, was founded by Reinhard Gehlen, a senior Nazi spy chief under Hitler, and later a close collaborator of the CIA.

And well into the 1970s, the top ranks of West Germany’s justice ministry teemed with former members of Hitler’s Nazi party.

26 julio, 2024

GAZA - Doctor Mark Perlmutter: "Jamás vi tal carnicería"


Doctor Mark Perlmutter, cirujano ortopédico de Carolina del Norte y vicepresidente del Colegio Internacional de Cirujanos, voluntario en Gaza.

Pregunta: ¿Cuándo estuvo usted en Gaza?

Perlmutter: Desde finales de abril hasta mediados de mayo.

Pregunta: ¿Cómo es Gaza comparada con todas las catástrofes que usted ha visto?

Perlmutter: Todos los desastres juntos que he visto, todos ellos sumados, 40 misiones, 30 años, zonas cero, terremotos... Todo eso sumado no supera el nivel de la carnicería que he visto contra la población civil tan sólo en mi primera semana en Gaza.

Pregunta: ¿Cuando dice usted civiles, son la mayoría niños?

Perlmutter: Casi exclusivamente niños. Yo nunca había visto nada igual antes. Nunca. [En Gaza] he visto más niños incinerados que en toda mi vida. He visto multitud de niños despedazados en mi primera semana en Gaza.

Pregunta: ¿Despedazados?

Perlmutter: Despedazados.

Pregunta: ¿Qué quiere decir?

Perlmutter: Trozos perdidos de cuerpos, en su mayoría aplastados por los escombros o, en segundo lugar, por las explosiones de las bombas. Hemos extraído metralla del tamaño de mi pulgar a niños de 8 años. Y luego están la balas de los francotiradores. He atendido a niños que han sido disparados dos veces.

Pregunta: ¿Quiere decir que los niños en Gaza son blanco de francotiradores?

Perlmutter: Definitivamente. Vi niños, a los que fotografié, que fueron alcanzados en el pecho con una precisión tal que ni yo mismo habría podido situar mi estetoscopio sobre sus corazones. Y otro con dos disparos, en el pecho y en la cabeza, en un mismo niño. Ningún chiquillo es alcanzado dos veces por error por los “mejores francotiradores del mundo” y la mortal precisión de sus disparos.

Comentario: De hecho, más de 20 doctores en Gaza han informado al Sunday Morning sobre los niños heridos de bala. Un doctor estadounidense nos dijo que incluso revisó las radiografías para confirmarlo dado que tal cantidad de niños heridos de bala en la cabeza no podrían ser atendidos en un sólo hospital. Algunos tiroteos han sido registrados en vídeo.



24 julio, 2024

War correspondent Ghadi Francis: "They'll never love us enough to stop killing us"


Dimitri Lascaris – 24/07/2024

On July 23, 2024, Dimitri Lascaris spoke with Lebanon-based, war correspondent, Ghadi Francis.

Ghadi has been to conflict zones throughout West Asia, including Gaza, Syria and Yemen.

She and Lascaris have an in-depth discussion about the myriad ways in which Western corporate media mischaracterize and demonize resistance to U.S. and Israeli hegemony in West Asia.

23 julio, 2024

How doctors treat patients after an Israeli massacre, with Dr. Majed Jaber


Nora Barrows-Friedman - The Electronic Intifada Podcast 23 July 2024

“Seeing thousands of injuries during this short period develops an intuition as to how to deal with patients,” Dr. Majed Jaber tells us on The Electronic Intifada Podcast.

“It is a very painful experience that most doctors can’t comprehend.”

Jaber is an emergency physician in Gaza who worked at the Emirati maternity hospital before Israel invaded Rafah in May, and then worked at the European Gaza Hospital in Khan Younis until the Israeli army ordered the area to evacuate in early July.

He talks about the rapid spread of epidemics across Gaza, especially in shelters, where facilities and tent encampments are overcrowded and lack basic sanitation, infrastructure and medical services.

Before the genocide began in October 2023, Israel’s 17-year-long blockade had already pushed hospitals and the health care system to a breaking point.

Now, more than nine months into the war, hepatits A is rampant, Jaber says, and without access to treatment, it can quickly progress into acute liver failure.

“A lot of children [are] dying from hepatitis A, sadly. Those people need liver transplants, which is just not going to happen.”

He says that the basic medications that can slow the progression of liver failure are not available anymore.

“So a disease that is self-limiting and simple as hepatitis A became a nightmare for the people of Gaza,” he notes.

Last week, the Palestinian health ministry in Gaza announced that the virus that causes polio had been detected in sewage water samples in several locations.

Video production by Tamara Nassar

Tras la bruma del intento de asesinato, los Demócratas traman un golpe de estado


Former UN Special Rapporteur: ICJ advisory opinion confirms Israel is committing apartheid


Dimitri Lascaris – 23/07/2024

On July 22, 2024, Dimitri Lascaris spoke with Professor Emeritus Michael Lynk about an Advisory Opinion issued on July 19 by the International Court of Justice (ICJ).

From 2016 to 2022, Professor Lynk served as the Special Rapporteur of the UN Human Rights Council for the human rights situation in the Occupied Palestinian Territories.

As Prof. Lynk explains, the ICJ concluded in its Advisory Opinion that Israel's occupation of the Gaza Strip and the West Bank (including East Jerusalem) is illegal and must be ended as rapidly as possible. He also interprets the ICJ's opinion as confirmation of allegations by numerous human rights experts that Israel is committing the crime against humanity of apartheid.

Finally, Lascaris and Prof. Lynk discussed the question of whether Israel is committing genocide in the Gaza Strip, in contravention of the Genocide Convention.

The complete ICJ Advisory Opinion can be found here: https://www.icj-cij.org/sites/default...

22 julio, 2024

Brigadas Al-Qassam destruyen vehículos blindados del ocupante sionista en la ciudad de Rafah, al sur de la Franja de Gaza



Hostage Negotiator Reveals How Israel Is Sabotaging Ceasefire Talks


ISLAM21C – 20/07/2024

Did you know that Dr. Anas Al-Tikriti has nearly twenty years of experience as a hostage negotiator? In this video, he exposes what really happens behind the scenes, often unreported in the media.

He examines the various factors heavily influencing the Hamas-Israel negotiations, including the starkly different terms and goals pursued by each party, and the deceptive tactics Israel uses to sabotage the ceasefire talks.

21 julio, 2024

Serguéi Lavrov: "Russia cannot remain an observer forever while Israel continues to escalate"


Revisionismo histórico: una estrategia de Occidente para preparar la guerra — Ralf Bosshard


СТАТЬИ – 20/07/2024

   Traducción del ruso: Arrezafe

Foto: Global Look Press

El analista militar independiente Ralf Bosshard es un teniente coronel retirado del ejército suizo y ex alto funcionario de la OSCE. Como representante de esta organización, trabajó en particular en Ucrania y Donbass. En un artículo para la Agencia de Noticias Donetsk, analiza los sistemáticos esfuerzos de Occidente por distorsionar la historia de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, los intentos de restar importancia a la hazaña del pueblo soviético y, además, la intención de rehabilitar a los nazis y sus cómplices.


Hay personas en el mundo a las que les encanta hablar y escribir sobre cosas de las que realmente no tienen idea. Estas personas suelen hacer carrera en política y periodismo. Ahora les gusta escribir sobre la guerra en Donbass. No conocen Rusia, ni Ucrania ni la guerra, pero eso no les impide difundir sus creencias al respecto. Perciben los hechos como persecución.

Tras dejar el ejército suizo, me interesaron dos temas: la guerra y la historia. Fui jefe del departamento para la preparación de operaciones de las Fuerzas Armadas Suizas durante cinco años. La formación necesaria para ello, tanto en el ejército suizo como en la OTAN, era escasa, pero en la Academia Militar del Estado Mayor de las Fuerzas Armadas de la Federación Rusa era mucho mejor. Finalizada mi carrera en el ejército suizo, impartí clases en el Cuartel General de Formación Operativa. Sé de lo que hablo cuando uso el término "operación militar". Estudié historia en la Universidad de Zurich. En pocas palabras: soy un profesional en el campo de la historia militar.

Tonterías revisionistas

Desde que regresé a la historia militar, me he encontrado cada vez más con teorías revisionistas sobre la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Hace poco me dijeron que los partisanos soviéticos eran militarmente “inútiles” y que eran “un grupo de desertores y criminales”, supuestamente más peligrosos para la población civil de Bielorrusia que para los ocupantes alemanes. Supuestamente, la historiografía sobre dichos partisanos es una mezcla de propaganda soviética y romanticismo. Estudié a los partisanos soviéticos y llegué a la conclusión de que, definitivamente, eran significativamente más efectivos que la Resistencia francesa.

Foto: Global Look Press

Los miembros estonios de las SS eran "luchadores por la liberación de Estonia de la Unión Soviética", dijo el representante permanente de Estonia ante la Organización para la Seguridad y la Cooperación en Europa (OSCE) en Viena, donde trabajé durante seis años. La señora embajadora dijo entonces: era inapropiado que vistieran uniformes negros de las SS, pero seguían siendo “luchadores por la libertad”. Cuando escuché esto, me sorprendí: antes no se asociaban a las tropas de las SS con la lucha por la libertad.

También recuerdo bien a un anciano caballero austriaco que afirmó que la Wehrmacht, iniciando una guerra preventiva, había "impedido" un ataque soviético a Europa occidental el 22 de junio de 1941. Ajá, pensé, este hombre probablemente esté tratando de convencerme de que el ataque alemán fue un acto de legítima defensa del Tercer Reich nazi contra la Unión Soviética. La teoría de que los nazis "lucharon contra el bolchevismo" por la liberación de Europa occidental está a la vuelta de la esquina. Un joven intentó explicarme esta teoría hace muchos años en una librería del centro de Kiev y también quiso aprovechar la oportunidad para venderme un retrato de Adolf Hitler. Me ahorré el dinero y en lugar de adquirir el retrato lo gasté en una cerveza fría, definitivamente, una mejor inversión.

Estos son sólo tres ejemplos tomados de toda una serie de acontecimientos similares que he vivido.

Ignorancia y sorpresa

Recientemente participé en Suiza en un debate dedicado a la Segunda Guerra Mundial, en el que mi colega bielorruso pronunció un discurso introductorio. Fue interesante observar la reacción de los aproximadamente 60 u 80 periodistas, historiadores y profesores presentes: la información sobre el sufrimiento de los bielorrusos en los años 1941-1945 era nueva para ellos. No sabían nada de las tragedias de Ozarichi y Khatyn, ni de la Operación Bagration. Apenas sabían de los innumerables crímenes cometidos, no sólo por las SS y la Gestapo, sino por la Wehrmacht alemana.

Foto: Global Look Press

Como historiador militar, la razón de todo esto es clara para mí: después de 1945, el Servicio Histórico Militar del Ejército de Estados Unidos contrató a un gran número de generales alemanes para escribir la historia de la guerra que acababa de terminar. Y estos caballeros aprovecharon la oportunidad para embellecer su papel, inventar un cuento de hadas sobre la honesta lucha de la Wehrmacht y explicar por qué ellos, soldados supuestamente superiores, fueron en realidad derrotados por el Ejército Rojo. Muchos de ellos se mantuvieron fieles a sus creencias nacionalsocialistas y todavía consideraban "infrahumanos" a los soldados y oficiales del Ejército Rojo. Su autojustificación marcó durante décadas la historiografía de los países de habla alemana. Y hoy este espíritu revisionista vuelve a definir la “información” que se propaga sobre el ejército ruso y la guerra en Donbass.

Estrategia de revisión de la historia

Detrás de todo esto hay una estrategia traicionera: Occidente quiere ahora reconsiderar el orden creado en San Francisco en 1945 por la Carta de la ONU. Los garantes de este orden debían ser las potencias victoriosas de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, EEUU, Gran Bretaña, Francia, Rusia, como sucesora legal de la Unión Soviética, y China. Durante años, Occidente ha querido desmantelar este orden e instalar en su lugar un nuevo “orden basado en reglas” que pueda definirse sin consultar a los países que ya ha declarado enemigos. Por eso, ahora intentan restar importancia a la contribución de la Unión Soviética a la victoria sobre el nacionalsocialismo. Y dado que los fanáticos neonazis europeos están siendo enviados a la guerra contra Rusia como idiotas útiles, hay que tener cuidado al criticarlos. El sentido de este revisionismo es claro: desacreditar, aislar y marginar a Rusia.

Foto: Global Look Press

Pero van aún más lejos: se generaliza el intento de demonizar a los rusos como pueblo, negando que conformen una nación cultural, caracterizándolos no como personas, sino como monstruos agresivos a quienes se debe impedir que agredan al “Occidente civilizado”.

Los autores de esta estrategia también saben que las fronteras de las repúblicas de la antigua Unión Soviética fueron determinadas en la Conferencia de Yalta de 1945. Una de estas repúblicas es Bielorrusia. Hoy en día, en no pocas de dichas repúblicas todavía viven muchos rusos, y estas repúblicas se enfrentan a la tarea de aclarar su identidad nacional. También saben que la memoria de la Gran Guerra Patria es importante para muchas personas y que desempeña un papel destacado en la identidad nacional. El debilitamiento de la cohesión y de la identidad de estas sociedades forma parte de una estrategia más amplia: su objetivo es la división y la dominación.

Alemania libró la guerra en suelo extranjero durante cinco años, desde el otoño de 1939 hasta el otoño de 1944. Tras finalizar la guerra, Estados Unidos y las potencias coloniales de Europa occidental han librado guerras en otros continentes durante 45 años. Desde 1991, la OTAN, supuestamente creada como instrumento de autodefensa, ha estado librando guerras fuera del territorio de su alianza. Estas naciones ya no saben lo que significa la guerra en su propio territorio y, por lo tanto, la toman a la ligera. El revisionismo histórico supone prepararnos para la guerra, y debemos resistirnos con decisión antes de que sea demasiado tarde.

20 julio, 2024

ICJ rules Israel is an apartheid state because that's exactly what it is


Some of us didn't need an ICJ ruling to see the obvious

COUNCIL ESTATE – 20/07/2024

The International Court of Justice has ruled that Israel is an apartheid state, because, well, that’s exactly what it is. Hands up everyone who has been accused of “outrageous anti-Semitism” for correctly using the word “apartheid” to describe Israel. That’s quite a lot of you…

Israel is so afraid of the term apartheid, it has banned groups that call Israel an “apartheid state” from speaking at schools, which is interesting, considering the fit Zionists had about “cancel culture” when British students protested a university appearance by Tzipi Hotoveli. In the Middle East’s only democracy, school pupils are not allowed to hear correct legal opinions. No wonder they grow up to be so brainwashed.

A former Mossad agent broke down how Israeli apartheid functions, but if you try to have this conversation in the west, you will probably lose your job. Katie Halper was sacked from The Hill for describing Israel as an apartheid state and giving compelling reasons why. Britain’s second richest man is cancelling TV shows at the request of Netanyahu, but if you highlight concerns over Zionist influence on our media, you’re the problem?

Pretty much every organisation in the world that monitors human rights agrees Israel is an apartheid state, including Israeli human rights group B’Tselem, Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International, the United Nations, and now the world’s highest court. I’ve been involved in conversations where Zionists have scathingly told me the above groups have been taken over by anti-Semites.

“All the human rights groups have decided to hate all Jews”, say the anti-Palestinian conspiracy theorists.

While Zionists can accuse every credible human rights body of being taken over by anti-Semites, you had better not dare accuse your government of being bought by a Zionist lobby. That would mean you fall foul of IHRA guidelines or something. Strangely, we have no such guidelines about anti-Palestinian racism.

One weapon the establishment uses when it has no moral argument left is stigma. If someone refuses to tackle arguments and instead resorts to smears, they know the moment they stop resorting to smears, they will lose the argument. This is important to understand because once you can identify what is taking place, you can easily see the correct moral positions.

Climate protesters are now “terrorists”, human rights campaigners are now “anti-Semites”, anyone who calls out government corruption is an “extremist” who is “endangering the lives of politicians”. Remember, it’s only 16 years since the US kindly removed Nelson Mandela from a terrorist watch list…

If you join in with the stigmatisation from your government, there is a good chance you are on the wrong side of history. We should all focus on the strength of our arguments. As much as we can call those supporting apartheid terrible people, a better framing is they believe in a terrible idea and have been conditioned to do so.

Remind your audience bad ideas are the problem and then argue why you think a particular idea is bad, then let the other side do the same. Dare Zionists to abandon smears and then have a conversation about the Nakba when 750,000 natives were ethnically cleansed so that 56% of Palestinian land could be given to Europeans colonisers.

Zionists were not given 56% of Palestine because they had a strong historical claim, they were given that land due to the balance of power. The British controlled that land and giving it away was the best way to stop Zionist terrorists from assassinating our prime ministers.

While Palestinians get called “terrorists” because they’re not allowed to live freely on their own land, Zionists resorted to terrorism prior to 1947 because they weren’t being given someone else’s land.

While it would be unrealistic to force Zionists off all land they’ve stolen, we can certainly push for a restoration of the 1967 borders. When backed into a corner, even Israel’s apologists will agree that land annexed since then does not belong to Israel.

We are seeing even Israel’s supporters give ground because when we debate on reasonable terms, we win. The UK has restored funding to Unrwa, and I’m pretty sure Israel is still pretending Unrwa is Hamas. All Israel has is a baseless smear. When we shift the conversation to evidence, they have nothing left. This leaves Israel’s apologists in a tough spot because the more they dig their heels in, the faster they lose credibility. They’re forced to choose their battles and the British government has decided the Unrwa smear is not the hill to die on.

The language from western leaders is changing because they are finding it increasingly hard to support Israel’s lies. For example, the EU’s special representative is saying a two-state solution is possible, despite Benjamin Netanyahu’s opposition to it.

Sven Koopmans said of Netanyahu:

I think that recently he was very explicit about rejecting the two-state solution. Now, that means that he has a different point of view from much of the rest of the world.”

While you might argue the EU is stringing us along, note how they are placing the blame on the Israeli prime minister. While I wouldn’t suggest Netanyahu is the sole obstacle to peace, in the past, western officials would say a two-state solution would be possible if not for the Palestinians. The conversation is shifting in our favour and the actions at the International Court of Justice are one of the key reasons.

The UK government had called South Africa’s genocide case “unhelpful”, not because they have an argument in support of Israel, because because it exposes their lack of an argument. Same goes for why we’re now opposing ICC arrest warrants for Netanyahu and his accomplices. Once those arrest warrants appear, it will expose how obscene our leaders’ defences of Israel have been.

The official death toll in Gaza is 38,919 and while that is drastically undercounted, even if we accept the figure and jail Netanyahu for 25 years for each death, he would be facing jail for just under a million years. The final death toll could make that more like 5 million years. That is the scale of the bastard’s crimes.

The ICJ has ruled that Israel’s occupation of the Palestinian territories is illegal and that states must cease all actions in support of it, which would include selling weapons. In other words, we have further confirmation that western governments are breaching international law. This makes a mockery of Sir Keir Starmer’s argument he is supporting Israel only when it complies with international law. The prime minister is strangely reluctant to publish the legal advice the UK government received from the FCDO.

While the ICJ says Israel must withdraw from Palestine, Israel has been demanding control of Gaza’s Egyptian border as a condition of ceasefire. In other words, the occupiers want to strengthen their illegal occupation! A ceasefire in which the blockade continues is obviously no ceasefire at all. Same goes for any ceasefire that allows Israel to keep fighting until Hamas is destroyed.

Here is the response you should give to those who pretend this is all self-defence on Israel’s part:

The court said it had taken account of Israel’s security concerns, but they could not “override the principle of the prohibition of the acquisition of territory by force” and imposing restrictions on all Palestinians was “disproportionate”.

One argument made by Zionists is that Israel stopped occupying Gaza in 2005, but the ICJ ruled that Gaza has continued to be occupied to the present day. The ICJ stated that Israel must make full reparations for its illegal acts. ICJ president Nawaf Salam spoke of “Israel’s obligation to return the land and other immovable property, as well as all assets seized from any natural or legal person since its occupation started in 1967, and all cultural property and assets taken from Palestinians and Palestinian institutions, including archives and documents.

Salam said the ruling requires “the evacuation of all settlers from existing settlements and the dismantling of the parts of the wall constructed by Israel that are situated in the occupied Palestinian territory, as well as allowing all Palestinians displaced during the occupation to return to their original place of residence.”

The ICJ ruling stated that Palestinians should be compensated not just for the genocide, but the occupation too, and that Palestinian refugees abroad have a right to return home. It stated that all member states of the United Nations are under an obligation to recognise the occupation of Palestine is illegal.

The pathetic response of Israel’s foreign ministry is that “Israel cannot be an occupier in its own land”. In other words, these people see Palestine as their own land. Bezazel Smotrich argued the ICJ ruling was “contrary to the Bible, morality and international law”. The only part of that statement that’s noteworthy is the first part - Zionists think they have a Biblical right to take that land and kill whoever they want.

Let’s not forget Israel keeps greenlighting the expansion of illegal settlements and boasting it will build more settlements in revenge for October 7th. The ICJ ruled Israel illegally occupies east Jerusalem - the US and several other countries have built embassies in Jerusalem which are also illegal. They must be closed down and the occupation of East Jerusalem must end.

Personally, I would go much further than what others have suggested in terms of compensation: I would give Palestinians Israeli land to compensate them for the destruction of Gaza.

For every square mile of Gaza that has been destroyed, Israel should concede a square mile of its territory. For every home that has been destroyed, Israel must concede a home. The Israelis who’ve committed genocide can live in tents until enough new homes have been built to accommodate them.

While some might argue that’s outrageous, why is it more outrageous than Israel stealing Palestinian land? Why is it more outrageous than leaving Palestinians living in tents? Are Palestinians worth less than Israelis? Why should Palestinians be punished twice for Israeli crimes?

I’m realistic enough to know there is not a cat in hell’s chance of my suggestions being implemented, but the very minimum we should see is Israel paying for a rapid rebuild of Gaza.

Given the rate at which businesses are closing as the nation’s economy collapses, Israel is going to learn there is a heavy price to pay for genocide, even if the price is nowhere near enough. Germany still pays reparations to Israel for the holocaust - Israel should certainly do the same for Gaza and the West Bank. Palestinians deserve compensation for the holocaust they have endured.