29 junio, 2024

The Empire will not recover — Shahid Bolsen


Middle Nation – 28/06/2024

In this scathing analysis, we dissect the recent debate between Joe Biden and Donald Trump, exposing the rot and decay of the American empire. The debate was a spectacle of decline, with both candidates revealing their contempt for the population and their willingness to perpetuate war crimes and human rights abuses.

We explore how the power structure holds the population in utter disdain, using them as pawns in their game of global domination. The debate was a stark reminder that the US empire is in terminal decline, and that its downfall will be a blessing for the rest of the world.

From the occupation of Palestine to the war in Ukraine, we examine the criminal policies of both candidates and the devastating impact they have on innocent lives. We also delve into the factions behind each candidate, exposing the neocons and the private sector elite who are driving the US towards isolation and withdrawal from the world stage.

This video is a wake-up call to the American people, urging them to recognize the reality of their country's decline and the need for radical change. It's also a message of hope to the rest of the world, that the end of the US empire will bring about a new era of freedom and liberation.

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